Home Starter Debate Lessons Is Corporate Office Culture Sexist and Discriminatory Against Women?

Is Corporate Office Culture Sexist and Discriminatory Against Women?


Sexism is still very much a hot button issue, even in 2020. The workforce is one of many stages this debate plays on. Men and women both feel the effects, with one side saying women are protected in the work face, maybe even too much.

Level: Intermediate: B1/B2
Running Time: 90 minutes +

Materials included

This free lesson plan is suitable for adults, teenagers, and General English classes. Each plan includes:

  • A debate motion
  • A summary of the controversy
  • Points for both Pros and Cons
  • Language to use in a debate
  • Debate role cards to help identify student groups
  • An article
  • Statistics (true or false exercise)
  • Vocab for the topic


For more information on how to use this in the classroom, please have a look at our detailed post on using free lesson plans.

Worksheet download

Further reading / additional resources



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