General Video Lessons

How Does Science Fiction Influence the Real World?

Warmer questions  Have you seen any sci-fi films or tv shows? What are your favourites and why? Can...

Is University Far Too Expensive for Students?

Warmer questions How much did you pay to go to university? If you haven't been yet, how much would it cost...

Can a Cure for Diabetes Be Found Through Surgery

Warmer questions Do you have a sweet tooth? How many cakes and sweets do you eat each week? ...

Can a Cure for Diabetes Be Found Through Surgery

Warmer questions Do you have a sweet tooth? How many cakes and sweets do you eat each week? ...

How Does Science Fiction Influence the Real World?

Warmer questions  Have you seen any sci-fi films or tv shows? What are your favourites and why? Can...

How to Revive Free Healthcare for Everyone

Warmer questions When was the last time you went to a hospital? What was it like? Do you...

Could There Ever Be Another World War?

Warmer questions Why do nations fight in wars? Would you ever sign up to join the military to...

Will the Philippines Finally Legalise Divorce?

Warmer questions Are you married? Is there an expectation for people to marry for life? ...

Should Schoolgirls Be Allowed to Wear Short Skirts in School?

Warmer questions Did you wear a uniform at school? What was it and did you like wearing it? ...

Is University Far Too Expensive for Students?

Warmer questions How much did you pay to go to university? If you haven't been yet, how much would it cost...

Reality TV Does More Harm Than Good

Warmer questions Have you ever watched TV shows like Big Brother, America's Next Top Model, Cast Away, or any other programme? Why...

Does Homework Improve Student Performance

Warmer questions How much homework do you get each week? Are you expected to finish it all? What is the best way...

Can Foreign Aid Help Countries Develop and Get out of Debt?

Warmer questions Does your country give aid to developing nations? How much is an acceptable amount to give and why? ...

Can a Woman Be Successful Without Wearing Makeup?

Warmer questions How often do you wear makeup? Do you think there is pressure on women to be...

Better to Be Safe Than Sorry: Government Surveillance

Warmer questions Do you safe when you are walking around the city? The police frequently use CCTV cameras...

Can Universal Basic Income Make Life Better for Everyone?

Warmer questions What would you do with an extra salary? What would happen if no one in society...

Do Tax Breaks Actually Help Society?

Warmer questions How many taxes do you pay? Which taxes are unnecessary? Why do people dislike paying tax? ...

The Changing Attitudes to Same-sex Marriage

Warmer questions Is it legal in your country for people of the same sex to get married? If...

Gun Violence in America: Should People Have Guns?

Warmer questions What are the laws in your country to own a weapon? Would you like to have...

Should We Ban Begging?

Warmer questions Where you live do you see many people who are homeless and begging? Do you give...

Should Governments Pay A Basic Income?

Warmer questions Governments measure happiness on how much money people earn from their jobs, is this a good way to measure...

The Rights and Wrongs of Buying Citizenship

Warmer questions How important is your country to you? What would you do to help your country? If...

Internet Censorship: For Your own Good?

Warmer questions Do you believe that newspapers and national media reveal all that they know? Do governments have...


Don't miss

Read and Debate: Addressing Economic Challenges and Inflation

Below is a read and debate lesson outline where...

Overcoming Language Barriers in Debates: Tips for Expressing Ideas Clearly and Confidently

Debating in a second language can be an intimidating...

9 Powerful Words to Help You Win an Argument

Whether you're in a debate club, arguing with your...