Starter Debate Lessons

Animals Should Not Be Used for Entertainment

Circuses, zoos, aquariums, dog fighting, hunting, fishing, horse racing, bullfighting… all of these practices keep animals in captivity and use them against their will...

Assisted Suicide Should Be Legalised

Assisted suicide is when a medical professional helps another person to end their life. While this sounds harmful, there are many cases in real...

Are We Raising Sexist Sons and Men?

Sexism is still very much a hot button issue, even in 2020. Men and women both feel the effects of the debate. One side...

Net Neutrality – All Internet Traffic Should Be Treated Equally

The internet is a large network of computers working together to bring data to its users. This network functions efficiently because each member –...

Modern Technology Is Harming Society

Carl Henegan once said “Life was so simple when apples and blackberries were fruit, a tweet was the sound of nature, and facebooks were...

Cosmetic Surgery Should Be Banned

Cosmetic surgery is different from critical or reconstructive surgery because it is used to 'enhance' or 'make different' someone's physical appearance. In this way,...

Single-Sex Schools Are Good for Education

Single-sex schools are schools that only admit those of one specific gender, believing that the educational environment created by a single gender is more...

How to use Free Debate Lesson Plans from ESLDebates

This plan is for Free Debate Lesson Plans which can be found here. The ESLDebates team we would like to thank you for downloading our...


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Read and Debate: Addressing Economic Challenges and Inflation

Below is a read and debate lesson outline where...

Overcoming Language Barriers in Debates: Tips for Expressing Ideas Clearly and Confidently

Debating in a second language can be an intimidating...

9 Powerful Words to Help You Win an Argument

Whether you're in a debate club, arguing with your...