Starter Debate Lessons

The Government Should Introduce a Sugar Tax

Over the years obesity has taken a foothold in many western societies. The average citizen's weight has almost doubled from around 80 years prior....

Reality Television Does More Harm Than Good

Reality shows are incredibly popular. With blockbusting shows like Survivor, Big Brother, The Apprentice, and American Idol all attracting massive audiences each week. Documentaries...

Should Politicians Be Paid For Their Work?

Discussion questions How much are politicians paid in your country? Do they deserve that amount?What should the maximum salary per year be for politicans? And...

Healthcare is a human right and should be free for everyone

Health is part of a nation's wealth In the UK, healthcare is delivered free at the point of use, so anyone can go into a...

The minimum wage should be increased every year

Where did the minimum wage come from? Under federal law in the US, the minimum wage is the lowest hourly salary that a worker may...

Should We Boycott Fast Fashion Brands?

What is Fast Fashion? Fast Fashion is a design, production, and marketing strategy that focuses on creating large quantities of trendy clothes in a short...

Should Politicians Be Paid For Their Work?

Discussion questions How much are politicians paid in your country? Do they deserve that amount?What should the maximum salary per year be for politicans? And...

The Metaverse: Breakthrough Technology or a Digital Nightmare?

The metaverse is a popular term in gaming. It is a virtual world where users can interact with each other in 3D, much like...

Are Electric Cars Environmentally Friendly?

An electric vehicle (EV) is a complex machine that is the product of many years of research and development. The largest car companies in...

Are Driverless Cars Safe to Use for Our Cities?

Autonomous, driverless, or self-driving, while they come in a variety of names, these vehicles are seeing enormous advances in technology in the automotive sector....

Should Museums Return Looted Artifacts to Their Countries of Origin?

Consider the last time you visited a museum, art gallery, exhibition, or looked at ancient marble statues. Which parts drew your attention the most?...

Cryptocurrency Is the Future of Global Finance

Cryptocurrencies are a new type of technology that is designed to create tokens (or coins) which can serve as a medium of exchange (like...

We Should Encourage Corporate Sponsorship of Culture and the Arts

If you walk into an art gallery in Europe, you will see a common theme between them. Many of the art galleries, exhibitions, installations,...

Can We Ever Expect Our Online Activities to Remain Private?

How private is your life online? When you visit large social media websites or smaller blogs, do you expect your user details to be...

Politics has been poisoned by the media

Why does it feel as though the world of politics is becoming ever more divided with all sides being unable to come to an...

Voting Should Be Mandatory

With an increasingly violate political climate, the case can be made that voting should be mandatory. There are points to both sides. One side...

Are Beauty Pageants for Women Empowering?

The media and it’s portrayal of women has left a lot to be desired, according to some. There has been a lot of debate...

Is Corporate Office Culture Sexist and Discriminatory Against Women?

Sexism is still very much a hot button issue, even in 2020. The workforce is one of many stages this debate plays on. Men...

Are We Raising Sexist Sons and Men?

Sexism is still very much a hot button issue, even in 2020. Men and women both feel the effects of the debate. One side...

Begging Should Be Banned

With the economy getting as low as it is, and people losing their jobs, some people have turned to begging in order to make...

Automation and AI Will Help Society

Automation is when we take something that otherwise is done by humans, such as driving and make them automated. AI is Artificial Intelligence, which...

Breeding Dogs Should Be Ended or Curtailed

Many dog owners feel their dog is so cute that they need to fill the world with dogs just like her, and some want...

Taxation Is Theft

Norway is considered the most heavily taxed country in the world, at almost 45% of total GDP being derived from tax collected. Hong Kong is...


Don't miss

Read and Debate: Addressing Economic Challenges and Inflation

Below is a read and debate lesson outline where...

Overcoming Language Barriers in Debates: Tips for Expressing Ideas Clearly and Confidently

Debating in a second language can be an intimidating...

9 Powerful Words to Help You Win an Argument

Whether you're in a debate club, arguing with your...