The Moderator

Business: Managing Security and IT Integration

During the last decades, OT and IT were developed and managed to maintain separate technology protocols, standards, governance models, and organizational units. Nevertheless, over...

Should Schoolgirls Be Allowed to Wear Short Skirts in School?

Warmer questions Did you wear a uniform at school? What was it and did you like wearing it? ...

Why Is Motivational Speaking Valuable?

Vаluе оf Моtіvаtіоnаl Ѕреаkіng іn Моdеrn Тіmеs Lіfе, thеsе dауs, hаs bесоmе quіtе еаsу bесаusе оf thе mаtеrіаlіstіс fасіlіtіеs аvаіlаblе. Тесhnоlоgісаl dеvеlорmеnt оf thе 20th...

Business: The Challenges of Intellectual Property

There are many advantages to securing intellectual property rights. IP protects a business’ name and logo, designs, inventions, works, and intellectual innovations. For the...

Is University Far Too Expensive for Students?

Warmer questions How much did you pay to go to university? If you haven't been yet, how much would it cost...

Business: What Is Hitachi’s Vision for the Future of Work?

The world is going digital, but many businesses are unprepared. Digital revolution is not an easy or short-term undertaking. Change is being demanded by...

TED Talk: What Really Motivates People to Be Honest in Business

The world of business is often filled with ethical dilemmas. Every leader is to make decisions, and the decisions they do make can determine...

Breeding Dogs Should Be Ended or Curtailed

Many dog owners feel their dog is so cute that they need to fill the world with dogs just like her, and some want...


Don't miss

80 ESL Debate Topics About Travel and Tourism

The majority of English language students are curious about...

80 Debating Topics on the Environment

The environment encompasses all living creatures on this planet....

Healthcare is a human right and should be free for everyone

Health is part of a nation's wealth In the UK,...

The minimum wage should be increased every year

Where did the minimum wage come from? Under federal law...

Should We Boycott Fast Fashion Brands?

What is Fast Fashion? Fast Fashion is a design, production,...