The Moderator

Аn Іntrоduсtіоn tо Моtіvаtіоnаl Ѕреаkіng

Еvеrуbоdу sреаks. Ѕоmе реорlе sреаk аnd gеt еlесtеd рrеsіdеnt оf thе Unіtеd Ѕtаtеs. Оthеr реорlе sреаk аnd аrmіеs оf busіnеss реорlе tаkе tо thе...

How to Speak so That Other People Listen

You are furiously typing away at your computer and then suddenly you have a brainwave. A new idea has just popped in your sweet...

Should Governments Pay A Basic Income?

Warmer questions Governments measure happiness on how much money people earn from their jobs, is this a good way to measure...

The Rights and Wrongs of Buying Citizenship

Warmer questions How important is your country to you? What would you do to help your country? If...

5 Ѕtерs То Gеttіng Yоur Аudіеnсе То Таkе Тhе Асtіоn Yоu Wаnt

І hаd а bеt wіth mу gооd frіеnd thаt І wаs gоіng tо rаіsе thе mоst mоnеу fоr а lосаl сhаrіtу. І bеt hіm...

Wildlife Trafficking Should Be Banned

At the core of the illegal wildlife trafficking is a strong and rapidly expanding demand for a variety of products from around the world,...

University Education Should Be Free

Many countries provide free education to children under 16, which is generally accepted. When it comes to university education there is a great variation...

Reality Television Does More Harm Than Good

Reality shows are incredibly popular. With blockbusting shows like Survivor, Big Brother, The Apprentice, and American Idol all attracting massive audiences each week. Documentaries...


Don't miss

80 ESL Debate Topics About Travel and Tourism

The majority of English language students are curious about...

80 Debating Topics on the Environment

The environment encompasses all living creatures on this planet....

Healthcare is a human right and should be free for everyone

Health is part of a nation's wealth In the UK,...

The minimum wage should be increased every year

Where did the minimum wage come from? Under federal law...

Should We Boycott Fast Fashion Brands?

What is Fast Fashion? Fast Fashion is a design, production,...