The Moderator

Can Universal Basic Income Make Life Better for Everyone?

Warmer questions What would you do with an extra salary? What would happen if no one in society...

Do Tax Breaks Actually Help Society?

Warmer questions How many taxes do you pay? Which taxes are unnecessary? Why do people dislike paying tax? ...

The Changing Attitudes to Same-sex Marriage

Warmer questions Is it legal in your country for people of the same sex to get married? If...

Space Exploration Is a Waste of Money

When we think of space we often think of retro flashbacks of Star Trek and popular sci-fi shows. Sadly, the dream to travel to...

Animals Should Not Be Used for Entertainment

Circuses, zoos, aquariums, dog fighting, hunting, fishing, horse racing, bullfighting… all of these practices keep animals in captivity and use them against their will...

A Teacher’s Guide: The Basics of a Classroom Debate

This article explores the reasons to use debating in class and a guide on how to implement different debating styles in your class. A simple...

Should The Public Pay For A Royal Wedding?

If you have been following the news, Prince Harry (one of the Princes of the British Crown) and Meghan Markle (an American actor) have...

47 Debate/Persuasive Topics On Media and Advertising

The growth and development of media and advertising with the introduction of new technology has been fascinating. To any clear-thinking individual, we can see...


Don't miss

80 ESL Debate Topics About Travel and Tourism

The majority of English language students are curious about...

80 Debating Topics on the Environment

The environment encompasses all living creatures on this planet....

Healthcare is a human right and should be free for everyone

Health is part of a nation's wealth In the UK,...

The minimum wage should be increased every year

Where did the minimum wage come from? Under federal law...

Should We Boycott Fast Fashion Brands?

What is Fast Fashion? Fast Fashion is a design, production,...