About this site

I am on a mission to teach real debating techniques and critical thinking skills to students who are learning English as a second language. The world of work is becoming more interconnected so there is a real need to be an effective speaker in English. Furthermore, it is far more important to express ideas in a logical and dispassionate way. I hope to make lessons and produce contemporary articles discussing these themes.

I sincerely wish my free and premium lesson plans are integrated into classrooms worldwide. I want my materials to be used in elementary schools, high schools, colleges, universities, private training providers, specialist summer camps, language camps, for private tuition and many other places. I want the world to be more critical in their thinking. ESL Debates firmly believes in imparting students with a firm knowledge of grammar, but during my years of teaching I have found that language is much more than just grammar. I believe that articulately spoken ideas and being able to negotiate differences is a far better skill to develop – ready for a globalised world.

Many tests today like IELTS, PET, CAE, FCE and others all require students to eloquently speak on a topic or picture for a given time. The materials produced is designed to help teachers and students become more familiar with the process of speech and to think imaginatively to express their thoughts as naturally as possible.

I deeply and sincerely wish you enjoy our materials and we hope you share ESLDebates.com with people you know.

What makes this site different?

I have provided a curated safe haven to read and share topical debates, teaching ideas, online forums, and online debating platforms to help develop critical thinking skills. I have also hosted videos on this site so you need not go to YouTube and be bothered by wasteful advertising.

About the author

I have over 7 years of experience in teaching ELT, EAP, TEAL, TESOL, SAT, GMAT, IELTS, and many other alphabet courses, modules, and examinations. I am from and live in London, UK.

Where to find me

Follow me on Twitter @ESL_Debates

Facebook facebook.com/esldebates

If you have an idea for a lesson, or you would like to post a blog, then please do contact me at themoderator [ a t ] esldebates [ d o t ] com