Home Debate Ideas 56 Debating Topics on Religion and Faith

56 Debating Topics on Religion and Faith

God and religion debates

Around the world, there are approximately 6 billion people who have a moderate to a strong belief in some faith or religion. Conversely, only 16% of the world does not associate themselves with a religion. Given these statistics, it’s clear that the principles taught and recited on a daily basis in faith-based institutions are a guiding light to many people. It shapes their decisions and makes them committed to a community of like-minded individuals.

With the present-day aside, it’s also clear that religion and a belief in God have played a significant role in the development of human society in the past. Governments, kingdoms, principalities, and other political power structures often needed the blessing of God from religious institutes so that they can continue to rule over their population. In this way, the holy books of all faiths from Europe to Asia and beyond have led humanity to its present course.

That said, the world has undergone a revolution of sorts in the last 200 to perhaps as far back as 300 years ago. When they were once called natural philosophers (now scientists), who sought to discover the true meaning of reality through observable and observable. Though this ambition was humble and small, it has now grown almost exponentially as people have begun to accumulate knowledge of the natural world and learned how to create machines and objects that are many times more powerful than a person, both intellectually and physically.

That said, faith has been practiced for more than 4000 years while science has only begun its development for a few centuries. This naturally leads those who follow a scientific value system to ponder and wonder why are religions still relevant today. This does not mean those of faith or no faith do not ask those same questions. For the curious, it is an investigation into how humanity can guide itself and why it should be guided in this way.

Questioning religion in a respectful and critical way should allow everyone the chance to truly understand the virtues being relayed to them. It also encourages clarity and hopefully a meaningful dialogue.

  1. Children should be taught a comprehensive and detailed overview of all major religions at school.
  2. Should famous people and other well-known public figures in our daily lives keep their faith or religion private?
  3. Religions of all kinds around the world are a force for good and positive change in the world.
  4. Many political leaders in the world have publically spoken about their faith. Should world leaders mix their political stance with religion?
  5. Do Christians really oppose gay marriage?
  6. Many religions promote the formation of a “traditional” family, where there are two parents (one male and one female) with children. Given that modern life is host to a variety of family units, do we really need to promote a traditional family?
  7. Is Satanism a valid religion?
  8. Should governments be able to create laws to prevent people of a particular faith to enter their borders?
  9. In many nations, religions are considered to be tax exempt, in that they do not pay any taxes. Since many religions actively receive donations and are worth hundreds of millions of dollars, should they now be taxed?
  10. Do religions endorse slavery?
  11. The U.S. Pledge of Allegiance uses the phrases “one nation under God”. Should this phrase be removed?
  12. Many societies around the world deeply value freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and to criticise ideas openly. Should this include the critique of religions and faiths?
  13. All publically funded institutions and organisations must be secular in their operation.
  14. Is polytheism a valid religious choice?
  15. Is the life of Jesus a reworked version of the ancient Egyptian story of Horus?
  16. Is humanity ever able to know or conceptualise God?
  17. Does religion cause more conflict than it solves?
  18. Do animals have souls and where do they go when they pass away?
  19. Do people need to know God or have faith to have a life with purpose and meaning?
  20. Did God create men and women for each other’s pleasure?
  21. Was it wrong of the Catholic Church to encourage people not to use contraception?
  22. Is it possible to be LGBTQ+ and while also being deeply religious?
  23. Is there only one true religion?
  24. Do religions around the world encourage prejudice, sexism, and racism?
  25. Children attending school should sing religious hymns during assemblies.
  26. Can religious war ever be justified?
  27. In 1962 a McDonalds Franchise owner noticed a decline of hamburger sales on Fridays as there was a large population of Roman Catholics in the area, who do not eat meat on that day. Do you think religions and faiths play a major role in business decisions?
  28. Pope Francis has said that domestic violence offenders should be forgiven, do you think he’s right?
  29. Is there any real contradiction between science and religion?
  30. Can someone believe in God and acknowledge the theory of evolution?
  31. In 2017 Switzerland won a court ruling (ECHR) where swimming lessons for children must be mixed so that both girls and boys mingle. Is this a violation of religious freedom for those wanting gender-segregated classes?
  32. As time passes will it become increasingly difficult for religion to stay relevant and applicable to our lives?
  33. Do religions encourage gender equality?
  34. Is religion a help or hindrance when used to engage in global development?
  35. Schools and workplaces are not doing enough to stop radicalisation.
  36. Is religion a force for good or bad in the world today?
  37.  Has humanity outgrown faith-based institutions?
  38. Is religion just a primitive form of government?
  39. Countries which are more religious tend to be less economically developed.
  40. As a country becomes more economically developed, people tend to leave religion behind. Is this statement true?
  41. Are there any reasons that are logical and rational reasons to either become a believer or to convert to another faith?
  42. It is commonly said that on Earth there is only one true religion. If there is a God, why would he allow to the creation of so many false faiths to distract us from our true path?
  43. Are there any lost pages in religious texts that would overall change the meaning, interpretation, and understanding of the text?
  44. In some faiths organ transplants, organ donations, blood transfusions are prohibited. If someone dies as a result of refusing to use these medical procedures are they guilty of murder?
  45. Should young people be allowed to choose their own faith instead of following what their family believes in?
  46. Are Roman Gods and Goddesses still relevant today?
  47. Are the ten commandments flawed?
  48. Some religions and faiths allow men to marry many women. Is this a ridiculous privilege?
  49. Where polygamy is allowed, should this also apply to women, so that a wife can have many husbands?
  50. When is Eid and what is the best way to know when it has ended/begun?
  51. Religious clothing must be allowed to be worn in public.
  52. Religious symbols and ornaments can be worn in public and while at work.
  53. People of faith or follow a religion are not torrent people.
  54. Clergy should be allowed to marry.
  55. In Christianity and Islam, some denominations do not allow to have female priests. Is this fair or just gender discrimination?
  56. Are new age religions and spirituality just a diversion to the true word of God?

If you felt this was of interest to you, we have a number of other debating lists from gender equality to controversial topics, so please do have a look around and let us know your thoughts. We have to have a debate or two!


  1. Your list seems to ignore key moral issues in the bible that have some seeing a good God and others seeing an evil God.

  2. All good stuff. But so very limited. I’m interested in following the Way of Jesus of Nazareth and don’t worry about Christianity. They are very different. Where is there debate and teaching regarding this. We are ignorant of the history of Christianity and are debating out of ignorance. I’m a historian and all religions are not good at sharing what has happened that has brought us to this point. Matters of belief should have the background of facts. I’d love to be part of a discussion regarding this.


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